Trusted, Integrated Robotic Solutions for Multifamily Property Operations

Drive higher levels of tenant satisfaction and have more time for services like timely maintenance and repairs.

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Make clean a differentiator in attracting new tenants. 

Delivering on reliable, high cleaning standards is critical to providing healthy, comfortable, and appealing living environments — both for current residents and prospective tenants. However, labor challenges, inconsistent service quality, and other operational hurdles jeopardize standard operating procedures (SOPs) and your bottom line. These difficulties are further complicated when your custodial staff’s days are filled with repetitive, monotonous, and occasionally dangerous cleaning tasks that threaten overall operations productivity.

With mounting pressure to control increasing operational expenses, the right solution must enable you to do more with the current budget and team at your disposal.

Autonomous cleaning robots, such as Whiz and Scrubber 50 Pro, offer multifamily management teams a better approach to bridging custodial labor gaps, providing best-in-class service, and delivering a consistent level of cleanliness when vacuuming carpeted hallways, hard-floored lobbies, and more. Vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping are crucial components of cleaning operating procedures, but these activities are time-consuming and unappealing to custodial staff. By reassigning these repetitive yet necessary tasks to our service robotics, you’ll motivate custodial staff and give them more time for higher value-based services, such as timely maintenance and repairs, that are sure to improve the tenant experience.

Multifamily properties  benefit from optimized operations as a result of SoftBank Robotics’ solutions:

Up to 25%

more team efficiency through the automation of repetitive cleaning tasks

Up to 50%

more time to devote to deep cleaning

Up to 8x

less airborne dust and allergens compared to manual vacuuming

Support or realize lower unit turnover.

Case Study: Cleaning Companies Boost Productivity, Lower Costs, and Improve Customer Satisfaction

In this case study, discover how our partnership with Core Facility Services eased cleaning challenges and improved cleaning operations by: 

  • Reducing cleaning times by 50%
  • Enabling new sanitizing services
  • Offering data-driven “proof of clean” to customers

Download The Case Study Here


Make your first impression count more.

1. Superior quality and “always up to date”

Attracting and retaining tenants requires multifamily management to prioritize superior quality and consistency of service. Our commercial-grade solutions empower custodial teams to continue to meet tenants’ rising expectations by accelerating their task execution without cutting corners on quality. Powered by cutting-edge AI, our portfolio of robots responsively navigate their environments and avoid obstacles in their route. Plus, their operating systems update in the background, allowing them to stay always “up-to-date” and improve their performance over time without disrupting service.

Achieve 100% of tasks outlined in your SOPs by utilizing robotic solutions that work autonomously alongside your team. As our solutions vacuum, scrub, spot clean, and more, your custodial staff can prioritize other items required by SOPs — including maintenance requests, detail cleaning, and safety standard compliance — that greatly contribute to the overall tenant experience.

2. Visible and documented proof of service

Near real-time, data-driven reporting and analytics give multifamily property management and owners documented proof of performance and greater confidence that they are achieving standard operating procedures. Because you can use our portfolio of robots during business hours, our solutions assure tenants, property owners, and management teams of your ongoing commitment to clean, healthy, and safe living environments. 

For additional visibility into performance and management, our customers can fully oversee their robot fleet using our proprietary data and reporting platform, SoftBank Robotics Connect.

3. Certainty from guaranteed fixed costs

As part of our unparalleled commitment to service, we give our clients guaranteed fixed costs for a defined period, which includes no-cost repairs. Compared to highly variable operating expenses — such as custodial wages — our fixed-cost services give multifamily managers more control over operational expenses today and in the future. By empowering multifamily teams to do more with their budget and people, we help mitigate the impact of unanticipated expenses, improve unit retention, and increase confidence in the services you deploy.

4. Higher-value activity focus

SoftBank Robotics’ solutions make the most of your existing labor within the parameters of your available budget. By fully integrating our portfolio of robots into your operating procedures, our solutions tackle tedious, monotonous, and at times dangerous cleaning responsibilities. Not only will your custodial staff have more time to address complementary, higher-value tenant services (like timely maintenance and repairs), they’ll also feel more engaged by the work they’re now able to execute.

5. Return on tenant experience

Tenants, property owners, and managers love seeing our robotic solutions as they accomplish their tasks. In increasingly competitive housing and rental markets, our robots could be the differentiators that help your property stand out from the crowd. They’re the ideal balance between the most appropriate use of technology and the best way to engage and retain your people. 

With visible proof that your tenants are in a clean, safe, and healthy environment, you can enhance tenant experiences, improve your building’s reputation, reduce unit turnover, and ultimately return greater profits to the business.


Why SoftBank Robotics?

Your success is our success! Leading multifamily property operations trust our integrated, robotic solutions.


Market Leader

As part of the largest technology fund in the world, our depth of robotic experience, research, and knowledge leads the market with over 35,000 robotic solutions successfully deployed in service industries globally.


Focus on Service Up-Time

With white glove services, including onboarding, deployment, operations reviews, and a world-class on-call technical support structure, our market-leading integrated, robotic solutions can be adopted quickly and successfully in virtually any facility.

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Proven Business Value with Risk Mitigation

Industry standard-setting methodologies drive the adoption of collaborative robots and deliver proven business value, guaranteed (subject to requirements).

Improve operational efficiency with data-driven solutions.

SoftBank Robotics Connect, our proprietary data and reporting platform, constantly gathers data from its integrated robots as they clean. It stores information about routes followed, assists needed, runtime, and other insights in the cloud. Access data in near real-time to guide reporting and optimization opportunities. 

The SBR Connect dashboard is also your entry point to efficiently managing a broader robotics ecosystem. Facility managers can operate a fleet of robots across many locations through a single cloud-based interface. From the SBR Connect dashboard, users can effectively manage their fleets, while managers can track ROI.

Health Industry Data

Guide: Boost NOI (Net Operating Income) Without Raising Rents, Hiring Extra Staff, or Cutting Amenities

With rising costs, labor challenges, and high inflation, previously effective strategies to raise NOI are no longer sustainable and could even backfire. Read this free guide to learn how you can potentially lower operational costs while adding new value to the resident experience.

Get the Guide


Resources to enable more efficient and effective multifamily property operations:

Guide: Cost-Effective Strategies to Attract & Retain More Tenants

As multifamily asset management faces increased tenant turnover due to rising rent prices, smart tech investments can help attract and retain tenants.

Get the Guide

Blog: 4 Ways Multifamily Properties Can Differentiate with Creative Coworking Spaces

The increase in work-from-home and hybrid working arrangements means that more people are using their residences to double as their offices.

Read Article

Blog: How The Multifamily Technology Solutions Tenants Can Maximize NOI

With the right technology investments, property owners can provide significant advantages to their tenants while minimizing impact on profitability.

Read Article

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I optimize cleaning operations and productivity at my multifamily property?

Multifamily management teams have a few strategies at their disposal to accomplish more within their existing budget and resources. As custodial staffing challenges — including rising wages, worker shortages, and high turnover — continue to impact overall operations and productivity, multifamily management teams should consider new ways to upskill green talent quickly and enhance the employee experience. 

This may require an assessment of existing training programs, an audit of supplies and equipment (taking note of places where these resources are missing or inhibit top performance), and the integration of automated technologies like service robotics into day-to-day operations.

How can I meet and improve SOPs with limited cleaning resources at my multifamily property?

As tenants continue to raise their expectations for multifamily management, your SOPs will need to deliver higher quality and more consistent outputs at a rate that outpaces these demands. First, take stock of whether you’re consistently able to meet your existing SOPs. If not, identifying where you fall short (through tenant feedback, manual assessments, or property-wide surveys) can illuminate the shortcomings that demand the most attention. 

Supplementing additional human resources with service robotics is a cost-effective method to accomplish big tasks, like vacuuming, and fine-detail cleaning work simultaneously.

How can I control the cost of cleaning operations at my multifamily property?

Replacing lost talent, anticipating increasing custodial wages, and accommodating other high-variability expenses make staying in bounds of your budget a genuine operational challenge. Fixed-cost solutions, such as SoftBank Robotics’ service robots, are a reliable, consistent budget item, which means you have less guesswork when managing your current spend or requesting future resourcing needs.

How can I do more with my cleaning staff budget while still meeting SOPs at my multifamily property?

New technologies, such as automated cleaning robots, are designed to integrate seamlessly within your existing cleaning team, giving you the best of both human and technology without straying outside your allocated budget. Our solutions help clean hard and carpeted surfaces in highest trafficked and most used spaces of your properties — tasks that typically take considerable time and human resources to accomplish. While our robots work on their own, your team can focus on other essential duties outlined in your standard operating procedures.

How can I more accurately plan and forecast for essential cleaning services at my multifamily property?

Data-driven technologies provide powerful resource and budget forecasting capabilities for multifamily management teams of all sizes. By having a clear vision into the time, performance, and cost required to complete critical cleaning responsibilities, you’ll have a much better sense of the resources you’ll need to meet or surpass the expectations set in your SOPs. 

Opting for service solutions with consistent expense rate can further simplify budget needs. Rising wages, increasing turnover and sick time, and unexpected maintenance charges all make staying within budget — and anticipating future needs — all the more challenging. Our flat pricing allows you to better understand how to work within your budget and can help you make the most cost-effective decisions for your business, at no sacrifice to the quality of service.

Ready to automate and optimize your operations?

Your success is our success!

Schedule a call with our team of experts and explore how our proven, industry-leading robotics adoption program and associated solutions can help your organization.