Home-sharing services, led by Airbnb and the competitors it has inspired, have been poised to disrupt the hospitality industry for some time. 

Then, the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Hotel occupancy fell from an average of 66% in 2019 to a historic low of 25% in April 2020. 2020 hotel industry revenue of $84.6 billion is projected to increase in 2021, but would still be 34% below prepandemic revenue levels.

This has left many hotels scrambling to find ways to recover as home-sharing services continue to gain in popularity.

This download shares strategies hotels can use to differentiate themselves from home-sharing services and bring customers back to more traditional travel lodging.

Download the Guide to:
  • Learn how some hotels are boosting guest satisfaction scores
  • Get examples of branded cleaning programs from major hotels that set them apart from home-sharing services
  • Discover what amenities hotels are adding, keeping, and cutting
  • Learn about the cleaning technology forward-thinking hotels are using to boost housekeeping productivity and guest satisfaction

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